Stride Rite outlet stores in Connecticut

Store name:
Stride Rite
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Connecticut (change state)
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Stride Rite outlet store locations

Stride Rite - outlet store in Tanger Outlet Center Westbrook (Connecticut)

314 Flat Rock Place, Westbrook, CT 06498
Phone: (860) 399-0154

Keep your kids looking cool and your wallet full with Stride Rite. Why break the bank when your kids outgrow shoes so quickly? At Stride Rite, you’ll find quality footwear that’s injected with a dose of trendy style. Plus, Stride Rite tests each shoe rigorously to make sure your little one’s shoes are durable and will fit properly. Whether you’re looking for a fun sneaker with your child’s favorite cartoon character or a pair of durable school shoes, Stride Rite is the premier shoe destination. It’s important to note that Stride Rite offers every day free shipping on orders over $75.00.