Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC

Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC (Canada)

109 boulevard le Carrefour, Bromont, QC J2L 3L1
(3.6, 22 votes)
Outlet mall's name:
Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC
109 boulevard le Carrefour, Bromont, QC J2L 3L1
Number of stores:
Contact phone:
(450) 534-1818

Information & Events - Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC

Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC offer more than 24 brand name factory outlet stores. Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC is located on 109 boulevard le Carrefour, Bromont, QC J2L 3L1.
Find a brand name outlet store nearest you by location or brand.

Shopping hours

Regular Hours
1/1/2016 - 12/11/2016
Monday - Wednesday
Thursday - Friday

Map and Directions

Directions to Tanger Outlets - Bromont, QC: